Wednesday 27 March 2013

Accurate Data Collection

The topic of cross-case study analysis, discussed in the article, "The Case Study Crisis: Some Answers," is one that, I feel, deserves some attention and consideration.  Collecting and analyzing data has proved to be a complex and multilayered component of research through the readings of this course.  We have learned about quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research and each of their advantages and disadvantages, we discussed methodology and the importance of being informed in the particular area of research you are pursuing, and so on.  Among everything that we have learned thus far, I think that how you choose to use the data that you have collected is one of the most important.  In our own research, it is important to analyze whether the data sets we collect (1) can be related to each other (2) can be generalized for a larger population, and (3) is accurate and truthful.  Researchers who are highly invested in their work may be tempted to alter or manipulate data in order to come up with the conclusions they desire.  However, we, as researchers, must hold ourselves up to the highest standard in order to truthfully present information with as little bias as possible.   In order to do this, it is evident that citation and providing evidence is of utmost importance.  Yin notes that, "the case study researcher must preserve a chain of evidence as each analytic step is conducted" (p. 63).  This has challenged me to be careful about the citations and references I use in my research proposal and in future research endeavors.  In creating my final research proposal, I will be paying close attention to how I set up my research in how many subjects I propose to collect data from.  Yin's article demonstrates how important it is to construct and execute solid research.

Yin, R.K. (1981). The case study crisis: Some answers. Administrative Science Quarterly, 26(1), 58-65. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Sometimes when you are far along in a research project, you find that one article you didn't know existed that completely crushes your argument. It's tempting to disregard the information, but it is important to include it in your project and inform yourself of all sides of the debate. If you have a strong argument, you will be able to do this successfully!
